The Quantity Surveyor should advise on the type and content of the tender documents to suit the procurement option adopted.  It's recommended practice that the tender documents should contain the following:

Form of Tender__Some times called letter of tender that is the form that the contractor signs and returns the basic tender, in terms of both price and programme (Contractor shall price totally based on the tender documents and programme provided by Employer). 

Some tenders may also include a different form of tender for basic tender but with contractor own time (Contractor may be able to price based on the tender documents provided by Employer, but his own programme.)

Some tenders may also include a different form of tender for alternative tender (Contractor may be able to price based on his own programme and his own offering alternative design).

Instructions to Tenderers & Appendices__Sometimes called conditions of tender that sets out what is expected to be returned by the contractor and by what date.

Schedule of Work__It tells about the description of the work. 

Condition of Contract__General Condition of Contract (FIDIC First Edition 1999), and Particular Condition of Contract are generally used for the construction. 

Appendix to tender__It tells about some condition like; time for work completion, defects rectification period, governing law, time for access to the site, amount of construction security & performance, amount of delay damage for the work, payment term., etc. 

Technical Specification__

Tender Drawings__

Pricing preamble & Bill of Quantities (BOQ)__